The options for the grid lines of element.
wxChartGridLineOptions |
Constructs a instance. |
bool ShowGridLines |
Whether to show grid lines. This doesn't affect the visibility of the X or Y axis. |
void SetShowGridLines |
Sets whether grid lines should be shown. |
unsigned int GetMajorGridLineWidth |
Gets the width of the major grid lines. This doesn't affect the width of the axes. |
void SetMajorGridLineWidth |
Sets the width of the major grid lines. |
const wxColor & GetMajorGridLineColor |
Gets the color of the major grid lines. This doesn't affect the color of the axes. |
void SetMajorGridLineColor |
Sets the color of the major grid lines. |
unsigned int GetNumberOfMinorGridLinesBetweenTickMarks |
Gets the number of minor grid lines that should be drawn between major grid lines. By default this is 0 which means no minor lines will be drawn. |
void SetNumberOfMinorGridLinesBetweenTickMarks |
Sets the number of minor grid lines to draw between major grid lines. |