

The options for the grid lines of element.




Constructs a instance.

bool ShowGridLines

Whether to show grid lines. This doesn't affect the visibility of the X or Y axis.

void SetShowGridLines

Sets whether grid lines should be shown.

unsigned int GetMajorGridLineWidth

Gets the width of the major grid lines. This doesn't affect the width of the axes.

void SetMajorGridLineWidth

Sets the width of the major grid lines.

const wxColor & GetMajorGridLineColor

Gets the color of the major grid lines. This doesn't affect the color of the axes.

void SetMajorGridLineColor

Sets the color of the major grid lines.

unsigned int GetNumberOfMinorGridLinesBetweenTickMarks

Gets the number of minor grid lines that should be drawn between major grid lines. By default this is 0 which means no minor lines will be drawn.

void SetNumberOfMinorGridLinesBetweenTickMarks

Sets the number of minor grid lines to draw between major grid lines.